Current State
July 16 2002

bootstrap 0.9 released: The bootstrap tarball has been released. This contains the basic ACS file hierarchy (under /opt). It also contains pre-installed versions of acsselect, acspkg, and acspkg-dev.

acsselect 1.10.3-2.1 released: This is the main user interface to acspkg. It seems to work, though it has not been extensively tested.

acspkg 1.10.3-2.1 released: This is the commandline package management tool. It seems to work, but please report bugs.

acspkg-dev 1.10.3-2.1 released: This contains some tools related to developing acs packages.

acshelper 4.0.17-1 released: This contains some tools related to building acs packages.

make 1.0 released: This is a dummy package, linking the pluspack make into the ACS hierarchy. It will be replaced with a real make (ie independant of pluspack) eventually.

To Do

apt: Porting work has begun...

pluspack replacement: Right now, some of the acs tools depend on the PlusPack. PlusPack tools need to be replaced with acs packages in order to have a clean environment.